History of the Land O' Lakes Public Library
In the 1920's the Women's Club began a "lending library" with books donated by community members.  It was not until spring of 1942 when the Town of Land O' Lakes Board officially established the library.  The library occupied a 16' X 16' room in the basement of the Town Hall for many, many years.  In early 1989, under the direction of a new Library Board, the decision for a new building was made. In September of 1989, the Nagel Lumber Company donated timber and wood for a 30' x 64' building, contingent upon the LOL people donating as much labor and help as possible for the project. The purpose of this donation was to instigate a meaningful community spirited project with a beautiful new library as its goal. The town donated a piece of land in the center of town. On April 13, 1991, the library broke ground for its new building on the site of the Chicago-Northwestern Railroad Station. After many hours of mostly volunteer time and a wealth of donated materials, the new library was completed. Local school children helped in a "hand-to-hand" parade of books to the new building and the one room library closed its doors after more than 50 years of service!
The Library's popularity was astonishing and in just 6 short years the new library was out of space for its increasing collection. The Board decided an addition was needed and in late summer of 1999, contracts were signed. The new addition consisted of a larger stack (bookshelf) area, a reading room with a fireplace. and the entry to the lower level. Finishing the lower level was not done as funds were depleted. A new office area was established as well as a larger, more centralized circulation desk area.
In the summer of 2003, the Friends of the Library and the Library Board began plans to complete the lower level. With the help of many community donations and a USDA Grant, funds were raised and construction was begun. In June of 2004, a Community Room, Children's Room, Washrooms, and Elevator/Lift were completed. The library has over 9,000 square feet of space.
All those who made donation of money, time and effort have made the library a priceless asset to the community.  All of the building construction and work on the library has been done without adding one cent to the tax rolls! It is truly a community library!